Senin, 14 November 2011

Indonesians in search of study opportunities in Europe

Kazuhiro Kitamura, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 10/24/2010 10:28 AM
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Studying abroad is not an impossible dream. Now many European higher education institutions have opened their doors to provide opportunities for Indonesian students.

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Surat dari Bunda Asma Nadia...

Sedikit bercerita, bunda ketika kecil dulu selain penyakitan (jantung, paru-paru, gegar otak, memiliki 5 tumor meski jinak), hanya gadis kecil dari pinggir kereta api, yang menganggap buku-buku terlalu mahal dan mewah untuk dimiliki. Masa kecil yang kemudian menjadi motivasi besar bagi Bunda untuk membuat rumahbaca sebanyak-banyaknya khususnya bagi masyarakat kurang mampu. Alhamdulillah, dengan bantuan relawan dari berbagai daerah, saat ini 28 RumahBaca AsmaNadia ada di tanah air. Termasuk salah satunya di kotamu.

Lalu apakah yang menerbangkan gadis kecil di pinggir rel kereta api itu, yang makan sehari-hari pun sulit, kemudian alhamdulillah bisa menjadi penulis juga penerbit? Berkesempatan (dibayariJ) untuk mengunjungi negara-negara yang jauh?

Ibu dan buku, itu jawabannya. Pertolongan Allah datang dari sana. Bunda memiliki seorang Ibu yang sangat suka membaca dan menyadari pentingnya buku bagi anak-anaknya. Memang beliau tidak mampu membeli buku-buku tebal dan bagus yang mahal-mahal. Tetapi Beliau, selalu berusaha agar anak-anaknya tidak kekurangan bacaan.

Dari senang membaca buku, bunda jadi suka menulis. Buku-buku itu juga membuat Bunda melihat dunia dengan lebih luas dan jadi punya keberanian untuk menaruh cita-cita setinggi mungkin. Bunda juga jadi semangat belajar, sebab Bunda ingin memiliki masa depan dan kehidupan yang lebih baik dari yang keluarga bunda miliki saat itu.

Bunda berharap, anak-anakku sekalian juga memiliki keinginan yang sama. Berani bercita-cita, suka membaca dan gemar belajar. Allah akan memberi pertolongan dan kemudahan jika kamu berusaha.

Dan ketika nanti hidupmu lebih baik sayang, jangan lupa untuk berbuat, sebab ketika Allah memberikan kebaikan, semua kebaikan yang kita miliki, semua fasilitas, pada dasarnya adalah titipan yang Allah ingin kita sebarkan kepada lebih banyak orang. Kebaikan yang kita sebarkan itu, sayang… tidak pernah pergi, sebab suatu hari dia akan datang dalam bentuk amal saleh yang menolong kita mencapai surga-Nya kelak. Insya allah. :)

Love YourSelf...!!!

"Heaven helps those who help themselves."
The love of heaven is well expressed here.
Love is never a thing you can achieve though you do not do anything.
For love there must be something you can do.
If you stay still though you want love
It is not right.
In order to win love, you need to someone too
Who should you love first?
The first one you should love is just yourself.
If you don't love yourself, who will love you?
When you love yourself, heaven will love that you too.
Love yourself.
If you love yourself, heaven will love you as you are.
How you look now does not matter.
You should love yourself as you are now.
Because you are the most important being just because it is you.
If you love yourself, heaven will love you who love yourself.
Though you don't like yourself
Try to love yourself.
You have met yourself this life from a precious karmic tie to you now.
Like you cannot change your parents or sibilings, you cannot change
The real pride comes when you love yourself regardless how you look, what you have and so on.
No matter what happens, the most important one is you yourself.
Try to love yourself even though you don't now.
If you are satisfied
If you love yourself
Anything else might look small.

from : asma nadia's blog

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Why Study in Europe?

It is well-known that the continent of Europe is one of the centres for information and technology development. Recently, Europe has 4000 higher education institutions, from top-level research establishments to small, teaching-focused colleges, with more than 17 million students and 1.5 million academicians where 435,000 of them are researchers. Europe has a world reputation as the location of prestigious learning.

In addition to the excellence in education in Europe, students could experience extensive cultural exchange because of the European diversity, where tiny principalities sit side-by-side with many of the world’s leading economies.

Quality, Diversity and Opportunities are the main reason why you should study in Europe*.
  • Excellence
    Europe has a world-wide reputation as a centre of excellence in learning. Year after year, European universities rank prominently among the top 100 in the world. And only Europe can offer state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge research opportunities together with the chance to walk in the footsteps of so many of the world's most influential thinkers.
  • Quality assured
    Europe is developing a scheme of quality assurance. A comprehensive quality control process is planned for 2010, by when Europe will be emblematic of a guarantee of quality in higher education.
  • Value for money
    These high academic standards are achieved without breaking the bank. Tuition fees and daily costs are reasonable, the education sector being a top priority for Europe's competitiveness.
  • Lasting legacy
    Europe boasts many centuries of academic excellence. A rich academic heritage is based around many landmarks in human knowledge, and today's European higher education institutions benefit from this lasting legacy.
  • Choice
    There are thousands of higher education institutions in Europe to choose from, offering a great variety of degree programmes. From leading research universities to small, friendly teaching colleges, you're sure to find what you're looking for.
  • Tradition and innovation
    Immerse yourself in a continent with a wealth of traditions and a history as rich and varied as its many peoples and landscapes. At the same time, Europe is a hotbed of research and innovation, home to first-class resources and top scientists working in fields ranging from medicine to space travel, from nanotechnology to polar research, and from ICT to nuclear fusion.
  • Multicultural
    Europe offers a unique cultural experience in a dynamic, multinational environment. Besides earning a world-class qualification, you'll have the chance to learn new languages and intercultural skills that are of great value to future employers and an essential advantage in an ever-changing world.
  • World-renowned
    Studying in Europe gives you a top-quality education which will be respected the world over. Moreover, you can take advantage of the many scholarships that European universities offer.
  • Opening doors
    Employers won't only be impressed by your education; they'll also appreciate the other skills you will have acquired. Your time in Europe will prepare you for the global economy, developing assets such as self-reliance, independence and intercultural and linguistic abilities that will set you apart from the competition.
  • Portable skills
    Many countries encourage the best and brightest students to remain after their studies. Alternatively, you can take your newly acquired skills back home to use there. A European higher education will increase your mobility - across Europe and the rest of the world.
  • Springboard for your travels
    Always wanted to explore Europe? Studying here provides the perfect launch-pad for your travels. Take the chance to visit our great cities, bathe on our beautiful beaches, ski in the Alps or join in the fiesta.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Aku akan merasakan ini, nanti...

Udara dingin pagi segera terasa ketika aku tiba di Bandara Charles de Gaulle, Perancis. Meski masih terhitung musim gugur, namun terlihat hujan salju sudah turun, walau masih tipis, mirip kabut.